Python ProgrammingPython Programming

Comb Sort

The Comb Sort is a variant of the Bubble Sort. The Comb Sort increases the gap used in comparisons and exchanges. In bubble sort, when any two elements are compared, they always have a gap (distance from each other) of 1. The basic idea of comb sort is that the gap can be much more than 1.
# Python's algorithm of Combsort sort

def combsort(num):
    gap = len(num)
    swaps = True
    while gap > 1 or swaps:
        gap = max(1, int(gap / 1.25))  # minimum gap is 1
        swaps = False
        for i in range(len(num) - gap):
            j = i+gap
            if num[i] > num[j]:
                num[i], num[j] = num[j], num[i]
                swaps = True

num_list = [75, 16, 55, 19, 48, 14, 2, 61, 22, 100]
print("Before: ", num_list)
print("After:  ", num_list)

Sample output of above program.
C:\programs\algorithms>pep8 --first

Before: [75, 16, 55, 19, 48, 14, 2, 61, 22, 100]
After: [2, 14, 16, 19, 22, 48, 55, 61, 75, 100]
