Python ProgrammingPython Programming

This program demonstrates use of various built-in List functions and methods

A list is an object that contains multiple data items. Lists are mutable, this means that their contents can be changed during a program’s execution. Lists are dynamic data structures, meaning that items may be added to them or removed from them. We can use indexing, slicing, and various methods to work with lists in a program.
# Python's program to demonstrate use of built-in List functions and methods.

def main():

    list1 = ['India', 'Germany', 251, 4000, 'Australia', 5478]
    list2 = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000]
    list3 = ["Yellow", "Blue", "Green", "Red"]

    # len : This function returns the total length of the list.
    print("len :\t\t", len(list1))

    # max : This function returns the item from list have largest value.
    # max not works for list1 it will throw TypeError.
    print("max [integer]:\t", max(list3))
    print("max [string]:\t", max(list2))  # Check first alphabet only.

    # min : This function returns the item from list have smallest value.
    # min not works for list1 it will throw TypeError.
    print("min [integer]:\t", min(list3))
    print("min [string]:\t", min(list2))  # Check first alphabet only.

    # append : This function add new item to the list at end.
    print("append: ", list1)

    # insert : This function inserts item into list at offset index.
    list1.insert(3, 'China')
    print("insert: ", list1)
    list1.insert(0, 'Pakistan')
    print("insert: ", list1)

    # reverse : This function reverses items of list in place.
    print("reverse: ", list1)

    # count : This function returns count of how many times item
    # exist in the list.
    print("count: ", list1.count('Pakistan'))
    print("count: ", list1.count('pakistan'))
    print("count: ", list1.count(4000))
    print("count: ", list1.count('4000'))

    # index : This function appends one list to another
    # If item not found in list it will throw ValueError
    print("index: ", list1.index(4000))
    print("index: ", list3.index("Red"))
    print("index: ", list3.index("Yellow"))

    # pop : This function removes and returns last item
    # from list
    print("pop: ", list1)
    print("pop: ", list1)

    # sort : This function Sorts the items in the list so they appear in
    #  ascending order (from the lowest value to the highest value).
    # if we sort list1 it will show below error
    # builtins.TypeError: unorderable types: int() < str()
    print("sort: ", list3)
    print("sort: ", list2)

    # extend : This function appends one list to another
    print("extend: ", list2)

    # list : This Function converts a tuple into list.
    tup1 = ('India', 'Germany', 5000, 1000, 'Japan')
    list4 = list(tup1)
    print("list: \t", list4)


Sample output of above program.
3.5.2 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (32-bit)| (default, Jul 5 2016, 11:45:57) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
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len : 6
max [integer]: Yellow
max [string]: 5000
min [integer]: Blue
min [string]: 1000
append: ['India', 'Germany', 251, 4000, 'Australia', 5478, 'Japan']
insert: ['India', 'Germany', 251, 'China', 4000, 'Australia', 5478, 'Japan']
insert: ['Pakistan', 'India', 'Germany', 251, 'China', 4000, 'Australia', 5478, 'Japan']
reverse: ['Japan', 5478, 'Australia', 4000, 'China', 251, 'Germany', 'India', 'Pakistan']
count: 1
count: 0
count: 1
count: 0
extend: [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Red']
index: 3
index: 3
index: 0
pop: ['Japan', 5478, 'Australia', 4000, 'China', 251, 'Germany', 'India']
pop: ['Japan', 5478, 'Australia', 4000, 'China', 251, 'Germany']
list: ['India', 'Germany', 5000, 1000, 'Japan']