Python ProgrammingPython Programming

How to check the data type of DataFrame Columns in Pandas?

Determine DataFrame Columns DataType:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Age': [30, 20, 22, 40, 32, 28, 39],
                   'Color': ['Blue', 'Green', 'Red', 'White', 'Gray', 'Black',
                   'Food': ['Steak', 'Lamb', 'Mango', 'Apple', 'Cheese',
                            'Melon', 'Beans'],
                   'Height': [165, 70, 120, 80, 180, 172, 150],
                   'Score': [4.6, 8.3, 9.0, 3.3, 1.8, 9.5, 2.2],
                   'State': ['NY', 'TX', 'FL', 'AL', 'AK', 'TX', 'TX']
                  index=['Jane', 'Nick', 'Aaron', 'Penelope', 'Dean',
                         'Christina', 'Cornelia'])


C:\python\pandas examples>python
Age         int64
Color      object
Food       object
Height      int64
Score     float64
State      object
dtype: object
C:\python\pandas examples>