Python ProgrammingPython Programming

Create decorators with parameters in Python

Both function and class decorators can also seem to take arguments, although really these arguments are passed to a callable that in effect returns the decorator, which in turn returns a callable.
class Profile(object):
    def __init__(self, flag):
        self.flag = flag
    def __call__(self, original_func):
        decorator_self = self
        def wrappee(*args, **kwargs):
            print('Skills Before Joining: ', decorator_self.flag)
            original_func(*args, **kwargs)
            print('Skills After Joining: ', decorator_self.flag)
        return wrappee
@Profile('Php, Java, Python, Go')
def employee(name, age):
    print('Employee: ', name, age)
employee('John Doe', 28)
Sample output of above program.
Skills Before Joining:  Php, Java, Python, Go
Employee:  John Doe 28
Skills After Joining:  Php, Java, Python, Go