Python ProgrammingPython Programming

Tricks of Slicing a Series into subsets in Pandas

Slicing a Series into subsets

Slicing is a powerful approach to retrieve subsets of data from a pandas object. A slice object is built using a syntax of start:end:step, the segments representing the first item, last item, and the increment between each item that you would like as the step.

import pandas as pd

num = [000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]

idx = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

series = pd.Series(num, index=idx)

print("\n [2:2] \n")

print("\n [1:6:2] \n")

print("\n [:6] \n")

print("\n [4:] \n")

print("\n [:4:2] \n")

print("\n [4::2] \n")

print("\n [::-1] \n")

C:\python\pandas examples>python
C    200
D    300
dtype: int64
B    100
D    300
F    500
dtype: int64
A      0
B    100
C    200
D    300
E    400
F    500
dtype: int64
E    400
F    500
G    600
H    700
I    800
J    900
dtype: int64
A      0
C    200
dtype: int64
E    400
G    600
I    800
dtype: int64
J    900
I    800
H    700
G    600
F    500
E    400
D    300
C    200
B    100
A      0
dtype: int64
C:\python\pandas examples>